18.08.2023 | FRIDAY

7 pm

PREMIE­RE of the per­for­man­ce “Bo­oks of Di­squ­iet. Sta­ni­sław / An­to­ni / Fer­nan­do” | Po­land

CHO­REA The­atre | dir. To­masz Ro­do­wicz

Sta­ge in Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


9 pm

PRE­MIE­RE of the con­cert “CRU­ISE” by MUR/BETON & Gadający Pies | Po­land

dir. Kon­rad Dwo­ra­kow­ski | mu­sic: Piotr Kli­mek

Out­do­or sta­ge in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Ad­mis­sion: free

*Event in terms of "Ar­ti­stic Scho­lar­ship of the Pre­si­dent of the City of Lodz 2023" 


19.08.2023 | SATURDAY

5 pm

Per­for­man­ce “I am OK” | Ukra­ine

Khar­kiv Sta­te Aca­de­mic Pup­pet The­ater | dir. Oksa­na Dmi­trie­va

Room A_22, Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


7 pm

Per­for­man­ce “4th Re­pu­blic of Dre­ams” | Po­land

Sztu­ka Nowa Association | dir. Da­wid ża­kow­ski

Stage in Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


20.08.2023 | SUNDAY

12 pm

Per­for­man­ce “Sea of ∞ po­ssi­bi­li­ties” | Po­land

Gra/nice Fo­un­da­tion | dir. Aga Błasz­czak

Room A_22, Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Ad­mis­sion: free / prior bo­oking of free tic­kets is re­qu­ired

*Event in terms of "Prze­strze­nie Sztu­ki Łódź - Te­atr 2023" Pro­ject


5 pm

Po­etry per­for­man­ce “Song of words­birds” | Po­land

dir. Ze­non Faj­fer

Room C_107, Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


7 pm

Po­lish PRE­MIE­RE of the per­for­man­ce “Ver­tep” | Ukra­ine

Khar­kiv Sta­te Aca­de­mic Pup­pet The­ater | dir. Oksa­na Dmi­trie­va

Sta­ge in Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


22/23/24.08.2023 | TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY

 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Good-omen spi­der” - in­ter­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal eco­lo­gi­cal work­shops for chil­dren te­ena­gers and adults | Po­land

Le­ader: Pa­weł Błęc­ki

Glass Hall, Art_Inkubator in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Ad­mis­sion: free / prior bo­oking of free tic­kets is re­qu­ired


25.08.2023 | FRIDAY

6 pm

The­atri­cal PRE­MIE­RE of the per­for­man­ce “Dyb­buk” | Po­land - CANCELED!

dir. Łu­kasz Kos

Nie­Win­ni Club&Cafe, Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


8 pm

Po­lish PRE­MIERE of the per­for­man­ce “Full Me­asu­res” | Fin­land

Li­vsme­dlet duo | dir.  San­dri­na Lind­gren, Ish­ma­el Fal­ke, Idit Her­man

Sta­ge in Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


around 9:30 pm


Courtyard in Art Factory in Lodz

Admission: free


26.08.2023 | SATURDAY

10 am - 2 pm

Di­scus­sion me­eting "Eco­lo­gies of the Cul­tu­re II. Edu­ca­tion" (Po­land)

PRE­MIERE of the e-book "Eco­lo­gies of the Cul­tu­re

Ja­nusz Adam Bie­drzyc­ki, Stanisław Godlewski, Anna Be­cher­ka, Pa­weł Błęc­ki, Aga­ta Kę­dzia, Mał­go­rza­ta Świ­de­rek

Room C_101, Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Ad­mis­sion: free / prior bo­oking of free tic­kets is re­qu­ired

*Event in terms of "Prze­strze­nie Sztu­ki Łódź - Te­atr 2023" Pro­ject


5 pm

Per­for­man­ce “Robot” | Po­land / Chi­le

Unia Te­atr Nie­moż­li­wy | dir. Ma­rek b.Cho­da­czyń­ski

Room A_22, Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


7 pm

Po­lish PRE­MIE­RE of the per­for­man­ce “BUD” | Nor­way

Car­te Blan­che | dir. Roza Mo­sh­ta­ghi

Pi­no­kio The­atre in Lodz

Ad­mis­sion: free / prior bo­oking of free tic­kets is re­qu­ired

*Event in terms of "ACT IN_OUT" Pro­ject


9 pm

Hańba! concert / PREMIERE of the album “CRISIS” | Poland

An­drzej Za­men­hof, Igna­cy Wo­land, Ta­de­usz Król, An­to­ni Skwar­ło

Out­do­or sta­ge in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Ad­mis­sion: free


27.08.2023 | SUNDAY

5 pm

Per­for­man­ce “Wall with a view” | Po­land

Gru­pa Co­in­ci­den­tia | dir. Kon­rad Dwo­ra­kow­ski

Sta­ge in Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Tic­kets: 35 PLN / 45 PLN


8 pm

PRE­MIE­RE of the con­cert “Li­vet” | Po­land / Nor­way / Bul­ga­ria / Ukra­ine

Fa­bry­ka Sztu­ki w Ło­dzi, Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz, CHO­REA The­atre, Vi­sjo­ner Te­ater | mu­sic dir. Piotr Kli­mek

Con­cert Hall, Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­sic in Lodz

Ad­mis­sion: free / prior bo­oking of free tic­kets is re­qu­ired

*Event in terms of "ACT IN_OUT" Pro­ject


around 10 pm

RPS closing party

Co­ur­ty­ard in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Ad­mis­sion: free


fot v3.HaWa Program bilety 2 Tickets spektakle 3 Performances koncerty 2 Concerts spotkania 2 Meetings wystawy 6 Exhibitions warsztaty 5 Workshops imprezy 1 Parties