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Homepage / Events / Performances / Sea of ∞ possibilities

Sea of ∞ possibilities


Performance “Sea of ∞ possibilities” | Poland

Creators: Fundacja Gra/nice / Gra/nice Foundation

Direction: Aga Błaszczak

Choreography: Masza Lesiak-Batko

Music: Paweł Jabłoński

Scenography and costumes: Helena Osak

Light: Mariusz Rapała

Puppet: Justyna Bernadetta Banasiak

Voice: Irena Batko

Cast: Masza Lesiak-Batko, Żaneta Małkowska, Łukasz Batko

Performance created in terms of Przestrzenie Sztu­ki Łódź - Te­atr 2022 program, financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, realised by The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute and the National Institute of Music and Dance. The program was co-financed by the City of Lodz. Partners: ZAiKS and CHOREA Theatre.

Premiere: December 19, 2022


Date: 20.08.2023 / Sunday 

Time: 12 pm

Place: Room A_22, Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz

Admission: free / prior booking and collection of free tickets is required

Booking of free tickets: from July 21, 2023 / via the online BOOKING FORM

Collection of free tickets: from July 21, 2023 / at the festival office


Duration: 45 minutes (no intermissions)

Viewers' age: 5+

Performance in Polish.

After the event we invite the viewers to a meeting and discussion with the artists.

The discussion will be held in Polish.




“You are the only you there ever has been or ever will be. You are unique in all the universe.” (Kobi Yamada, “Maybe”)


“Sea of ∞ possibilities’ is an inspirational impression telling a story of a child discovering its inherent potential and its force to shape the world. It is a cameral puppet-visual performance with live film screenings. Together, we begin a magical journey to the world of penetrating images, sounds, questions and associations.


The performance is inspired by Komi Yamada’s picture book “Maybe” for spectators over 5 years of age. Delicate, warm and sensitive staging is aimed to strengthen the sense of self-esteem among young spectators, to help them discover the driving force inside, to encourage them to nurture dreams and visions, and to discover the unknown. Convinced of the child's natural predisposition to adopt a spontaneous philosophical attitude of inquiry, which consists primarily in constant questioning, challenging the obvious and searching for answers, the creators emphasise the role of imagination, fantasy and creativity as a key dimension of everyone's thinking.





Fundacja Gra/nice / Gra/nice Foundation - the off-theatre that was formally founded in September 2021 as one of the results of the works on the “Nameless/Unknown” performance. Its members include: Marzena Lesiak-Batko, Łukasz Batko, Żaneta Małkowska and Aleksandra Batko, who function in various fields of art (form theatre, dance theatre, acrobatics, music) on a daily basis. The foundation’s activities are aimed at colliding and connecting those words. The border is first and foremost a place of meeting, a space provoking discussion, an area where different styles intermingle and clash, influence each other, exchange thoughts, views, experiences and emotions. Everything we consider the most important and inseparable part of theatre. The foundation's work is geared towards the staging of performances, workshops and theatre-related events, touching on topics that are important and strongly electrifying in the social consciousness of children, young people and adults.






The event takes place in terms of Przestrzenie Sztu­ki Łódź - Te­atr 2023 program.


Organizer: Art Factory in Lodz

Co-organizers: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Instiyute, National Institute of Music and Dance, City Hall of Lodz

Partner: CHOREA Theatre


Przestrzenie Sztu­ki Łódź - Te­atr 2023 program is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, realised by The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute and the National Institute of Music and Dance.


The program is co-financed by the City of Lodz.